There's a 100% chance of your complete satisfaction!
At Associated Bag Company we're constantly looking for ways to improve your shopping experience. If you like having information on all of our products in one convenient place, then our General Catalog is made for you. Whether you're looking for bags, boxes, bubble, tape, or any of our thousands of in-stock products, you'll find everything you need right here.
You can view each of our catalogs on your computer by clicking the online catalogs link on our homepage. You can also go to for the most up-to-date product information.
We work hard to bring you the newest items and complete information on all of our products. Expect excellence when you work with us, because we take pride in providing outstanding products and top-notch customer service. We will go above and beyond to make sure you have everything you need and that your order is perfect. For over 7 decades, customers just like you have trusted us to provide them with their packaging and shipping supply needs. We take that responsibility seriously and always will. In addition, everything we do is backed by our 100% guarantee – we're not happy until you are.
Call us today – we’re your one stop shop for all of your packaging and shipping supply needs!

Herb Rubenstein,